Sugarhouse Loyalty Program
Sign up for our loyalty program and earn 3% cashback on your online purchases!
Joining is easy - all we need is your mobile number!
How to join the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program:
- Click the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program icon.
- Enter your mobile number.
- Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number to verify the registration.
- Enter your mobile number at checkout under "contact information".
- Agree to sign up for the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program.
- Pay for your order. Your points will be credited to your account!
- Click the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program icon.
- Enter your mobile number.
- Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number to verify the request.
- Under Redeem Points, enter the amount of points you want to redeem. 1 Point = 1 Peso.
- An OTP will be sent to your mobile number to verify redemption.
- Click “use” to add discount coupon to cart.
- Pay for your order less the discount.