Sugarhouse Loyalty Program

Sign up for our loyalty program and earn 3% cashback on your online purchases!  

Joining is easy - all we need is your mobile number!

How to join the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program:
  1. Click the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program icon.
  2. Enter your mobile number.
  3. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number to verify the registration.
How to earn Sugarhouse Loyalty points:
  1. Enter your mobile number at checkout under "contact information".
  2. Agree to sign up for the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program.
  3. Pay for your order.  Your points will be credited to your account!
How to use your Sugarhouse points:
  1. Click the Sugarhouse Loyalty Program icon.
  2. Enter your mobile number.
  3. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number to verify the request.
  4. Under Redeem Points, enter the amount of points you want to redeem. 1 Point = 1 Peso.
  5. An OTP will be sent to your mobile number to verify redemption.
  6. Click “use” to add discount coupon to cart.
  7. Pay for your order less the discount.